GREATER NOIDA (UTTAR PRADESH) INDIA: Following an advertisement for 397 sweeper posts by the district administration of Gautam Budh Nagar, 1,076 applications were received. Among the applicants are more than a dozen postgraduates and graduates. Those selected would get jobs as sweepers in the villages of Gautam Budh Nagar.
The administration believes the implementation of the Sixth Pay Commission in December is a major factor in getting so many applications from overqualified candidates.
"We understand that job security must have driven these highly qualified people to apply for jobs as sweepers, but we conduct practical tests too and those who can sweep properly and don't shy away from cleaning even sewers would be selected," an official added.
"Currently the total salary of a sweeper is nearly Rs.5,500, but after implementation of the Sixth Pay Commission, it would touch around Rs.10,000.
"Probably they thought it is better to work as a sweeper than to remain unemployed," an official added.
Most home-based medical transcribers are at least graduates and, then, have undertaken professional training in medical transcription, and have some years of in-house experience. In place of the broom, they have invested more by setting up a computer system at home along with expensive softwares, broadband connection, and an inverter. How many of them earn regularly Rs. 10,000/month? Forget about job security, most of them are lucky to get their earning cheques at the end of the month without numerous followup calls with nail biting tension. Most scamsters in North India look for HMTs from South India and vice versa with the intention to cheat as distance would be a major hurdle to cross to realize dues.
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